Honduras Music

Honduras music styles vary. Honduran artists play anything from local music, such as the Garifuna punta style, to different Caribbean styles such as merengue, reggae, reggaeton, and salsa. Several well known musicians and bands come from Honduras. Honduras Music Honduras music reflects the diversity of the country. Styles vary amongst … Read More    

Taking Care of the Coral Reef

The Coral Reef is an amazing place. Even the shallowest, murkiest, and seemingly lifeless places have more critters than one could imagine. This is a short guide to caring for the number one reason people snorkel and scuba and visit places like Honduras–the REEF. 1. NEVER stand … Read More    

Honduras Science & Nature

Honduras provides ample resources for the study of science and nature within the country. Archaeology at the Copan Ruins provides scientists world-wide with study material. The nature of Honduran ecology ranges from the conservation of turtles, iguanas and birds, to deforestation and the environment surrounding its many rivers. Science … Read More    

RE/MAX October 2012 Newsletter

-Tourney Winners
As mentioned in last months newsletter Independence Day here on the island is September 15th. The Tourney this year was a large success with 46th boats participating. The Marco Rosales team was the winner of the Tourney and have been invited to the World Championship this year in Costa … Read More    

Visit Pulhapanzak Waterfall

Visit Pulhapanzak falls near Lake Yojoa in the province of Cortes and see Honduras’ largest waterfall. Measuring nearly 140 feet, it appears to come out of nowhere, emerging from the tropical forests on the periphery with a raging torrent. The sound is nearly deafening especially when up close. Visitors have … Read More