My Diving Certification

I recently went on vacation and became certified to scuba dive. Many friends and relatives have asked questions about what exactly my dive class entailed. So here it goes! Before I get into the nitty gritty, let me explain why I chose to get certified on holiday. … Read More    

Lago de Yojoa Honduras

Lake Yojoa (Lago de Yojoa) is the largest natural lake in Honduras. It is 95 feet deep, 4 miles wide, and 10 miles long. The lake sits at the base of two mountainous national parks. Santa Barbara National Park rises above the Northern shore, and Cerro Azul Meambar National Park … Read More    

San Pedro Sula to Approve Citizen Security Plan

The National Security Council will approve today the Citizen Security Plan which aims to prevent, combat and reduce the violence figures that currently in San Pedro Sula, the industrial capital of Honduras. The plan was developed with the support of USAID, UNDP, the Public Ministry, National Police, nongovernmental organizations, the … Read More